I know its been a while but really concentrating on my studies now. I am the last 25% of Boson’s courses. Learned about OSPF and Ripv2. OSPF is really awesome! Some new additions to the equipment list. Three 1841 routers one 3560 Sw. and two 2960 Sw. Nothing like getting hands on with some gear. I think I have config’d OSPF probably a dozen times, three times it was broke so I had to troubleshoot. Like change hello message or shut down OSPF all together and move on to something else and come back next day to troubleshoot.

Well on a personal note, I have had a couple job offers. One I had to turn down. It was for a lead network architect role but a huge oil company. Define I am not at that level. The second I really don’t know what entails. This one I personally know him. So did decide to meet him, just to listen what he has to say. Never hurts to listen. I do have 6 boxes that must be checked in order for me to give real consideration. Not to say that I am going to up and quick where I am at, I will at least give them a chance to come back. I never burn bridges and its only fair.

On a lighter note I will be starting a new page on what I have experience in and how may years. I am sorry for how long it is.