Well, I know its been a long time since I have posted anything. But fortunately/unfortunately. Fortunately I have been swamped with projects. At the beginning of the year, not only was I starting my personal django project but I was putting the finishing touches with a full blown whole house audio/video automation system with lighting control and shades. Right after that, my coworker and I started his at the time 36 streams of cameras, with half of them either on a Point to Point or Point to MultiPoint network. Really the only issues that I warned my coworker about is somebody plugging into that network because his or hers is down which did happen. Go back put a manage switch in, locked it down, problem solved. Now that project has been added and we are up to 48 camera streams. I which I handle that network. Then I had little while before another big project is kicking off. So was able to get some services calls in. My second big project started in May. Its was kind of small. Control systems with video switching, with Frame Tvs, doorbell camera and button, full lighting control with 3rd party shades and 16 cameras with a few are are a “follow me” PTZ. And full blown managed enterprise wired and wireless network with vlans and firewall and five access points inside and out of house. To this day, this project is still going on. Now they want to separate all tvs. So currently waiting on the product that takes care of that to come in. In the mean time my coworkers project 8×8 audio/video project which I just finished last Friday. In which my part was just the wired and wireless network with vlans a firewall and 4 access point(was three), lighting control and shades. After noticing some issues when testing/verfiying wireless network. There was a big gapping hole right over main area. Added Ap and now coworker and wifi remotes are happy. Nailed that one easy peeze. All this was the fortunate things that I have done these past six months. The unfortunate things that are happening is that we are moving to a much smaller shop.Which I get it the boss wants to save money but this is going to far. He is doing this so he can give us a raise? I bet we will not fit! Not to mention neither my coworker not I have received a raise in five years. I have never been a “9-5” person but I had to put my foot down and not answer any calls after I am off and on the weekends. I am way under valued and paid!
Which bring to my next subject. Thinking I may go out on my own. Currently easily said then done. I would need a lot of capital to get certified in all lighting and home automation systems I can currently install and program. So I might just start out doing home and small office wired and wireless networks. Something that is still second nature to me and I just love doing. Then build from there. I will start posting more about what is going on with the company and what I might be doing. Stay tuned!
So, as far as my Django project I have learned a lot these past few months. For loops, any to any, many to one and how the admin panel ties all my products and the powerstrip together. With the basic way of sending commands like reboot or status it will send but the trouble I having problems with is the response back. I tried changing to async in which I understand the concept but got some help from GPT for this. Now I right in middle of changing everything back to a basic send xml command way. Then really start putting more logs on commands to figure out where I am going wrong.