What up lately!
Well, things have been going good and bad at my work. Work is good and I am keeping busy and my co-worker is learning the new systems. Now if I can get the owner to do the same. The unfortunate thing that happened is that I/we did not get our full raise that we asked for. We got 98.9999999% of it. Which make me happy because this gives my co-worker a good raise but me a lost a little. The crap of it all is that what I am losing is going to health insurance. So tired of the high cost of medical. I am making the best of it even though I know I can do better.
Still looking into Hotspot 2.0/Passpoint. After reading a lot of documentation. I think I have a pretty good grasp on how the process takes place. Between the AP, ANQP and OSU. In which that is the biggest thing thing I am missing. My networking skills are getting pretty good. After 3+ years I just configured a Ubiquity network pretty much three hours. A Max Pro, 2.5g Internet, 2-10g out SPF+, one to 48 full port, with 12 AP’s, and Unifi Protect system with separate NVR today. At least tried doing the NVR, having trouble with a one of the factory disks so it’s currently re-building. Hopefully it works tomorrow. This is not a network I sold. This was customer supplied equipment. So owner is making me configure it.
What in my near future:
Looking getting my resume touched up and starting my CWNA journey. I feeling the wireless is going to pretty important in the next few years. Also thinking about starting my own company I have a few ideas but need capital get some things going.
I going to start upload more pictures of my projects that I have done or are currently doing. So maybe some see them? Each project I’ll go into detail what I/we did, how long it took us and the state of the project currently.